Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

To Create a New Map Definition

  1. From the Map workflow, choose Map Manager from the Primary ribbon group.
  2. If no Map Definitions exist in the current model, a dialog will prompt you to create a new Map Definition.
Option Description
Create a new Map Definition in the current model Creates a new Map definition in the currently active model.
Create a new Map Model in the current DGN file Creates a new Map model in the active DGN file and optionally attaches the current model to the new Map Model.
Create from seed If selected, options to select an existing DGN and Model Name are presented.
DGN File name Is shown if 'Create from Seed' is selected, and allows you to specify a DGN file that contains the seed model to use.
Model name Is used to select the Map model to use as a seed from a list of Map Models found in the DGN file.

The new Map model is created according to the specifications and optionally populated with the contents of the attached file.